I tasted this wine blind with its sibling, the Reserve Merlot, along with a couple of others. The Reserve certainly stood out for all the right reasons whilst the others seemed to fall into the same mould.
Dark cherries, damp forest undergrowth and a faint whiff of clove kicked things off here. Some good plummy fruit shouldered its way to the fore as did some Club dark chocolate action. Some grainy and sandy type tannins to finish though the fruit didn't last as long as I would have hoped.
A decent wine without wow factor. I'd easily spend the extra six bucks and pick up the Reserve instead.
Drink within the next few years.
Region: Wrattonbully
RRP: $21
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Smith & Hooper Wrattonbully Merlot 2012
# '12
# $20-$30
# Merlot
# South Australia
# Wrattonbully
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South Australia,