December 2019 - QWine Reviews

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2019 Over and Out!

Thank you very much 2019! This site would not be a success if it wasn't for the support of the winemakers, wineries and marketing g...
December 30, 2019

De Bortoli Noble One 2016

In the words of third generation family member Leanne De Bortoli, “It’s like a sprinkling of gold confetti to make any occasion extra spec...
December 20, 2019

Eldridge Estate PTG 2019

There wasn't a drop left. Sling some in your glass and you'll see why. A Pinot Noir and Gamay blend - super juicy and delicious d...
December 12, 2019

Colab and Bloom Grenache 2018

Greek night was a comin' and I needed some Grenache. This was scooped up from the bottle shop shelf - a great pick up! A brilliant wi...
December 08, 2019