QWine Reviews : Cider

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Showing posts with label Cider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cider. Show all posts

St Ronan's Apple Cider

Here's a tasty way to start your afternoon. An ideal aperitif though I couldn't sit down and have a sesh with these. They are more...
October 29, 2015

St Ronan's Pear Cider

I absolutely love the apple cider these guys punch out, and as tasty as that was, this is just as good. Both are made exactly the same, t...
October 18, 2013

St Ronan's Apple Cider

This is real cider folks! Method Traditionelle Apple Cider. Now that's what I'm talkin' about! The brains behind St Ronan...
September 30, 2013

Sitting Ducks Cider

A change from the norm here with a post on cider. Cider has been a boom product of late with so much of it saturating the market. But that...
June 24, 2013