Ben Murray Wines Shiraz 2022 - QWine Reviews

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Ben Murray Wines Shiraz 2022


Was this the best wine I went through in a bracket of Shiraz? No. But this is the one I wanted to go back and drink. And that says it all really. This is a very good piece of work from Ben Murray Wines. 

It sees a blend of American and French oak and balance is the buzz word that resonates. Highlighted by melted dark chocolate creaminess and its smooth delivery, it glides through with ease. Some cedar and vanilla, black berry fruits, blueberries and licorice stake a claim before a sheet of fruit bun spices coat the palate and offer another veneer of interest to peruse. The measured density and the shape keep the tempo and my attention elevated. Great stuff.

Drink to ten years.


Region: Barossa
RRP: $35
Source: Sample

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