3 Rings Cabernet Sauvignon 2023 - QWine Reviews

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3 Rings Cabernet Sauvignon 2023


I must admit, this 3 Rings Cabernet caught me on the hop. Wines around $20 can be a hit and miss, but damn, this is a great expression of the variety.

Squishy blackberries and blackcurrant paste are the order of the day. That vibrance and approachability blitz the price point. Some mint, black olive and coriander root sit in the background but the focus is on the juicy fruit and the coverage it gets right across the length and width of the palate. A cheerful and very tasty wine for not much outlay, your midweek slurp is sorted.

Drink to five years.


Region: Barossa
RRP: $20
Source: Sample

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