Flinders Run Baroota Creek Cabernet Shiraz 2020 - QWine Reviews

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Flinders Run Baroota Creek Cabernet Shiraz 2020


Big, ripe and rich are the words that summarise this Cabernet Shiraz from Flinders Run. From the Southern Flinders Ranges region, this is the first time this label has come across my tasting bench.

Bold and jammy, stewed fruit is highlighted by fistfuls of blackberries and black cherries that throw themselves at you. There is an undertow of Christmas cake, baked black fruits and a mouth warmth that speaks of the 15% alcohol. An array of baking spices cling to a respectable finish. For mine, the overripe fruit and mouth warmth pulled it back a few notches. If you like them big and rich, you'll be in your element here.

Drink to eight years+


Region: Southern Flinders Ranges 
RRP: $38
Source: Sample

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